Our Approach
Our Story
A Brief Story
Tamarin Affenpinschers began in 1997 when Terry retired as Senior Vice President of Dog Events at the American Kennel Club and accepted a position with the Mars Corporation to direct their Pedigree Dog Food Sponsorship program. This change brought the Stacy’s from the east coast to Southern California.
Naturally, dogs would continue as part of life and Jackie had decided it would be fun to show again. Terry’s long time friend Peter Green and his partner Beth Swigart were so kind and helpful to offer Ch Yarrow’s Lucy in the Sky, a newly finished Affenpinscher in co ownership. Moraina as she was called proved to be the foundation of Tamarin. At her 2nd show with Jackie she won BIS all breeds at a large show in Wichita, Ks. She went on with Jackie handling to become the top winning Affen of all time with 11 BIS and BB at the National Specialty. Her record was soon to be broken by her great younger brother, Ch Yarrow’s Super Nova who won 41 BIS.
Terry and Jackie were off to a great start in this new breed. Using the knowledge, they had gained from earlier success in dogs they decided to breed and show quality Affens. Jackie had bred over 50 Pomeranian Champions as well as being the major influence in breeding programs for Maltese, Shi Tzu and Skye Terriers. In 1986 she was voted Female Handler of the Year. Terry had been a breeder of Cocker Spaniels Champions as well as being Kennel Manager for a noted Fox Terrier, Greyhound and Labrador Kennel. He was an all breed handler for 15 years and finished champions in all of the 6 Groups of the time. In 1994 Terry was voted Dogdom’s Man of the Year.
With this background they purchased Ch Periwinkle En La’s Ms Monster, Lilly, from an old friend in Kansas. Now with two unrelated foundation bitches of the highest quality, the breeding program began. Lilly was bred to Super Nova and produced a lovely bitch, Ch Tamarin Tulip. The combination of Lilly and Moraina by crossing their offspring began what has now produced nearly 100 champions; including 11 different All breed BIS winners and 7 different National Specialty winners. Among these is Ch Tamarin Tug (TASER) who has broken all records for the breed with 75 All Breed BIS, 2 National Best of Breed wins and Group 1st at the FCI World Dog Show...
All Tamarin Champions carry the blood of Moraina and Lilly. The kennel has since bred to an English Champion, purchased an English bitch, owned a Swedish/American Champion and purchased bitches from Sienna Gold and Collindale Kennels. Most recently we have added Swedish, Eng and American Ch Crea Diem In The Jungle to increase our gene pool. We feel with this we have combined the finest Affenpinscher lines in the world.
Terry is a former Board Member of OFA. Tamarin is dedicated to not only producing quality Affens with outstanding temperaments but free of health defects that can affect quality living and longevity.
Since 2006 Tamarin has located to North Carolina where the Stacy’s continue breeding a few litters to improve the quality of the breed. Ch Tamarin Tanner, Ch Tamarin Tarheel, and Ch Tamarin Tailback have continued to hold our banner high with wins at all the major U.S. shows.
Currently being campaigned are Ch Tamarin Trebeck (Alex) and Ch Tamarin Tatoo (Chester).
At Tamarin we occasionally have puppies for both show and companions. Also, we have Champions Stud Services and frozen semen on all of our well know Champion dogs by Private Contract.
Check galleries to see more of our past and present dogs and bitches.